Arrival instructions

Choose which service you are coming for and check arrival instructions below:

  • Optician eye examination

    Welcome to the Optician eye examination!

    Please arrive on time so that we have time to fill the preliminary information before the examination.

    Prepare for your visit as follows:

    1. Bring identification with you. 
    2. Bring your latest eyeglass prescription or the eyeglasses you are currently using. 
    3. Prepare to inform the optometrist about any general health conditions and related medications.
    4. Allocate approximately one hour for the appointment to have enough time to choose the right frames after the vision examination. 
    5. The reservation is binding and must be canceled at least 12 hours before the scheduled time.
    6. If you come for the examination with contact lenses on please be aware that you need to remove them prior the examination.
  • Eye test and fundus imaging

    Welcome to the Eye test and fundus imaging!

    Please arrive on time so that we have time to fill the preliminary information before the examination.

    Prepare for your visit as follows:

    1. Bring identification with you. 
    2. Bring your latest eyeglass prescription or the eyeglasses you are currently using. 
    3. Prepare to inform the optometrist about any general health conditions and related medications.
    4. Allocate approximately one hour for the appointment to have enough time to choose the right frames after the vision examination. 
    5. The reservation is binding and must be canceled at least 12 hours before the scheduled time.
    6. If you come for the examination with contact lenses on please be aware that you need to remove them prior the examination.
  • Contact lens exam  - new user

    Welcome to the Contact lens exam!

    Please arrive on time so that we have time to fill the preliminary information before the examination.

    Prepare for your visit as follows:

    1. Bring identification with you. 
    2. Bring your latest eyeglass prescription or the eyeglasses you are currently using. 
    3. Prepare to inform the optometrist about any general health conditions and related medications.
    4. The reservation is binding and must be canceled at least 12 hours before the scheduled time.
  • Contact lens exam - control

    Welcome to the Contact lens control!

    Please arrive on time so that we have time to fill the preliminary information before the examination.

    Prepare for your visit as follows:

    1. Bring identification with you. 
    2. Bring your latest contact lens prescription and the contact lenses you are currently using.
    3. Come to the appointment with your contact lenses in your eyes (insert contact lenses at least 2 hours before the appointment).
    4. If your contact lenses have run out or if there has been a change in your vision, you can come to the appointment without contact lenses as well. 
    5. The reservation is binding and must be canceled at least 12 hours before the scheduled time.

    You can consider the following questions in advance: 

    • Have the contact lenses met your expectations? 
    • Are the contact lenses comfortable and feel good in your eyes even after a long day? 
    • Have you had good vision with your contact lenses? 
  • Eye exam for occupational health care

    Welcome to the Eye examination!

    Please arrive on time so that we have time to fill the preliminary information before the examination.

    Prepare for your visit as follows:

    1. Bring identification with you. 
    2. Bring the referral from occupational health. 
    3. Bring any payment commitment for special work glasses if it's your company's practice. 
    4. Bring the eyeglasses you are currently using and your latest eyeglass prescription.
    5. Prepare to inform the optometrist about any general health conditions and related medications. 
    6. Allocate approximately one hour for the appointment to have enough time to choose the right frames after the vision examination.
    7. The reservation is binding and must be canceled at least 12 hours before the scheduled time.
    8. If you come for the examination with contact lenses on please be aware that you need to remove them prior the examination.
  • Eye test and eye health exam

    Welcome to the Ophthalmologist's eye exam!

    Please arrive on time so that we have time to fill the preliminary information before the examination.

    Prepare for your visit as follows:

    1. Bring identification with you. 
    2. Bring your latest eyeglass prescription or the eyeglasses you are currently using.
    3. Prepare to inform the doctor about any general health conditions and related medications. 
    4. Allocate approximately an hour for the examination, and also set aside time for frame selection.
    5. The reservation is binding and must be canceled at least 12 hours before the scheduled time.
    6. If you come for the eye exam with contact lenses on please be aware that you need to remove them prior the examination.
    7. Please be aware that the examination may involve usage of eyedrops that may affect your sight few hours after the examination.
  • Dry eye examination

    Welcome to Dry eye examination!

    Before your Dry Eye Examination, we kindly request that you avoid using wetting drops or eye makeup, if possible. After the examination you can continue your day as normal.

    Please note that our examination only pertains to dry eyes and does not include a general eye examination or assessment of overall eye health. If necessary, we may suggest additional studies or refer you to other medical professionals.

    Ahead of your appointment, it would be helpful to consider the following questions:

    1. What medications do you regularly take?
    2. What medical conditions do you have?
    3. Have you had any prior eye surgeries and if so, when?
    4. How much time do you spend on digital devices each day?
    5. Are there specific seasons or situations when your eyes feel particularly dry?
    6. Do you use any moisturizing products, and if so, which ones and how often?
  • Dry eye treatment

    Welcome to Dry eye treatment!

    Before coming in for the IPL- treatment, please make sure to remove your contact lenses and thoroughly cleanse your face of any eye make-up, skin care products, and face creams. For five days before and after the treatment, please avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and self-tanning products.

    During the treatment, a gel will be applied to the treatment area and eye protection will be used. The treatment itself is painless and takes approximately 30 minutes. Afterward, you can continue with your day as usual.

  • Dry eye check-up

    Welcome to Dry eye check-up!

    Please avoid or minimize the use of wetting drops and come without any eye makeup.